General cargo transport

We always have the best transport solution on the road.

Ultimate flexibility for different transport requirements.

Whether small deliveries or large consignments, plastic elements, automotive components or prefabricated houses - we always offer you the right vehicle for your product. All vehicles are low-noise and equipped with low-emission engines, satellite navigation and modern communication systems.

Our fleet.

  • Megatrailer (specifications): L: 13.60 m / W: 2.50 m / H: 3.0 m
    Footprint: 34 pallets / liftable roof and sliding tarpaulin for fast
    loading and unloading
  • Standard semi-trailer (specifications): L: 13.70 m / W: 2.50 m / H: 2.70 m
    Footprint: 34 pallets / sliding tarpaulin for fast loading and unloading
  • Jumbo trailer hoist 115 m³ (specifications): L: 15.50 m / W: 2.50 m / H: 3.0 m
    Footprint: 38 pallets / liftable roof and sliding tarpaulin for quick loading and unloading


  • Automobile industry
  • Packaging industry
  • Food industry
  • Pre-fabricated homes
  • Footwear industry
  • Customer itmes and sporting articles
  • Timber industry