
Looking for a specific service or a very special logistics solution? Contact us, we look forward to hearing from you.

Contact persons.

General requests | General Cargo | Liquid transport |

General requests

Industriestrasse 30
8141 Premstätten , Österreich

T. +43 (0)3135 500 0

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General Cargo

Philip Klagges

M. +43 (0)676 8701 8063

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Liquid transport

Prok. Anton Kac

T. +43 (0)3135 500 8221

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Contact persons.

Car division | Waste mangement & recycling | Truck workshop |
Driver staff & blue-collar workers |

Car division

Günther Wiltsche

T. +43 (0)3135 500 8141

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Waste management  & recycling

Prok. Michael Ausserdorfer

T. +43 (0)3135 500 8070

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HGV service workshop

Prok. Josef Pracher | Management board

T.  +43 (0)3135 500 8241
M. +43 (0)676  870 182 41

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Driver staff & blue-collar workers

Martina Platzer

T. +43 3135 500 8023

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General information request.

Tell us what you need and we´ll reply shortly.