We keep Europe in motion


FRIKUS was founded as a freight transportation company in 1928. Today FRIKUS is partner to companies throughout Europe in managing their global logistics concepts. The combination of logistics expertise and a large fleet of trucks make FRIKUS a specialist in the development and implementation of individual logistics solutions.



Renaming of FRIKUS Friedrich Kraftwagentransport und Speditions GmbH to FRIKUS Transportlogistik GmbH


Founding of FRIKUS Liquids GmbH


Lagermax Lagerhaus und Speditions AG from Salzburg takes over FRIKUS. The brand name FRIKUS remains unchanged.

2007 - 2001

2007: EN ISO 14001:2004 certification
                 EN ISO 9001:2000 recertification

2006: Founding of the PDI-Center in Balogunyom (H) |
Founding of Frikus Hagen (D)

2004: Founding of Frikus Spedicija d.o.o in Koper (Slovenia)

2003: Awarded the management of the Graz distribution center for the global shipment of BMW X3 |
Major shareholding in Avtoservice - a fully developed PDI center in the grounds of the Koper harbour

2002: SQAS certification
(Safety Quality Assessment System)

2001: Takeover of the dispatch for Duropack AG in Karlsdorf | Takeover of the special transport department at Wolfgang Denzel AG | EN ISO 9001:2000 recertification | Founding of a joint terminal operating partnership with the ÖBB: FR Logistik Betriebs GmbH & CO KG | Founding of EFG Waschbetrieb GmbH


1998 - 1990

1998: Founding of Friedrich Holding AG

1997: EN ISO 9002 certification

1990: Founding of two subsidiaries in Hungary:

  • Falcotrans in Szombathely
  • FRIKUS Kecskemet
1973 - 1928

1973: Founding of FRIKUS Friedrich Kraftwagentransport- und Speditionsgesellschaft mbH

1928: Franz Friedrich founds a freight transportation company in Stainz, Styria

FRIKUS Management

Roland Amtmann

  • Waste-Management & Recycling, HGV Service
  • T. +43 (0) 3135 500 8021
  • F. +43 (0) 3135 500 58021
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Richard Pöschl

  • Freight forwarding, Contract logistics, Special transports
  • T. +43 (0) 3135 500 8021
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Rene Eisbrich

  • Car Division
  • T. +43 (0) 3135 500 8021
  • F .+43 (0) 3135 500 58021
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FRIKUS Hungária

FRIKUS Hungária, formerly known as Falcotrans, carries out national as well as international transportation including the collection of potential recyclables. Large storage capacities, a public HGV repair workshop and a platform weighing machine available to the public are available for the infrastructure.

FRIKUS Hungária Fuvarozási Kft.

Csaba ut 12
H-9700 Szombathely
T.: +36 94 327984
F.: +36-94-330730

Volker Wiesmann
E. volker.wiesmann@frikus.com

Andras Fuchs
E. andras.fuchs@frikus.hu


The Engelbert Prietl Gesellschaft, part of the FRIKUS Group since 1990, developed from being purely a transport company to a company that now focuses on the recruitment and training of employees for the complete range of logistics services.

Engelbert Prietl GesmbH

Industriestraße 30
A-8141 Premstätten
T.: +43 (0) 3135 500-0
F.: +43 (0) 3135 500-8402


HGV Service

The company is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of the whole vehicle fleet. The vehicles are kept in good working order with the aid of a store of replacement parts containing approx. 5,000 items. Thanks to the HGV service, the idle time of the HGVs is reduced to a minimum and an optimal use of these vehicles is ensured.

LKW Service Betriebs GmbH

Industriestraße 30
A-8141 Premstätten
T.: +43 (0) 3135 500-0
F.: +43 (0) 3135 500-8409
E-Mail: lkwservice@frikus.com

FRIKUS Spedicija

Frikus Spedicija d.o.o. was founded in 2004 in Koper. The fleet of vehicles comprises a total of 98 HGVs (flatbed vehicles, car transporters, tankers).

FRIKUS spedicija d.o.o.

Vojkovo Nabrežje 32
Sl-6000 Koper
E-Mail: office@frikus.si

Zoran Ćurić

T.: +386 5 6393 145
F.: +386 5 6393 146
E-Mail: zoran.curic@frikus.si